Be Informed Bobcats
The college experience can be overwhelming. There are a lot of choices to make, from residence hall selection, 餐厅的选择, 类选择, to social and 社区 interactions. That’s why we want to help make sure all Bobcats have the resources they need to be informed as they embark upon their college experience.
Ohio University 社区 members take great pride in our institution. We are proud of our distinguished history and heritage, our beautiful campus, the renowned reputation of our faculty, our active and committed student body and of our partnerships with the southeast region of our state.
Together with our five core values 的性格, 社区, 公民身份, civility and commitment, this sense of pride defines who we are and helps to clarify the promise of what it means to be a member of the 俄亥俄州 社区.
Welcoming and connecting with new students starts at Bobcat Student Orientation where we introduce incoming students to the individuals and resources they will need to ensure they are comfortable in their transitions, connected to campus resources, and confident in their academic schedules before beginning their first semester at Ohio University.
These resources have been identified as critical 提示, 的指导方针, and resources to help our Bobcats be better bystanders. Your well-being is important to us, and we can all be better bystanders when we are informed about University policies, 提示, 的指导方针, and tools that can help us stay on track with a healthy, happy pathway to graduation day.
Sexual Assault Prevention & 教育We start conversations about sexual assault prevention and education as early as Bobcat Student Orientation, encouraging that conversation to continue throughout each Bobcat's whole life.
Hazing Prevention ActivitiesMultiple university task forces focus on maintaining programs and policies related to hazing prevention.
Bias, Discrimination & 骚扰All Bobcats have a responsibility to make sure our 社区 is free of discrimination and harassment. We've gathered resources and action items related to bias, discrimination and harassment at the university.
安全From the 俄亥俄州 Police Department to classes to shuttles, we do all that we can to keep our Bobcats safe.
支持Services and programs are available to 俄亥俄州 students related to survivor advocacy, counseling and psychological services and more. Students can also report incidents to the University.
Sexual Health 资源National and local resources are available to 俄亥俄州 students related to sexual health needs.
Keeping Bobcats Informed 新闻letter
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