你可能已经想到了一些明显的偏好, such as rent price and location, 或者房子vs。. 公寓.
然而,在你开始考虑租金之前,你可能想要一个“必需品”的清单。. 在签订租约之前,你可能需要考虑以下几个问题. 当你打电话介绍一个地方时,在安排去看之前先问问你的喜好. 在开始搜索之前,花点时间列一个偏好列表可以节省搜索过程中的时间.
- What is your price range for rent?
- Does this price include utilities?
- Do you want a roommate and how many?
- 是否可以在路边停车,是否需要额外收费?
- Are you looking for a place with central air?
- What do you want in a kitchen?
- 你要垃圾处理机还是洗碗机?
- 你是想要现场洗衣设施,还是要去自助洗衣店?
- How will you be getting to campus? (car, walking, public transportation, etc.)
- 你有资格申请通勤停车许可证吗?